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Climate Controlled Luxury Accommodations

3 sizes: 4x4, 4x6.5, and 4x10.5
Plus each bunk has 4x9 covered patio

Plus each bunk has 4x9 covered patio

Stress reducing design features

Even with loving care and nice accommodations, boarded dogs experience stress.  We designed the bunkhouse to keep that stress to a minimum.


First, 5 ft high cinderblock walls divide each bunk area.  Outside, six foot high walls provide privacy in the dog's personal outside patio.  


Second, bunks are side-by-side, not facing one another across a hallway.  This protects your dog from unwanted stares and otherwise stressful attention from a neighbor.


Third, the inside area of the bunkhouse has both heat and air conditioning so that the temperatures can be maintained at a comfortable level--never too hot or too cold.


Potty:  Because we don't want to create any bad potty habits to take home, dogs get three extended potty breaks/romps a day in the fenced, one-acre play area.  (It's not a problem if they do pee on their patio, but this gives them an alternative.)  During his romps, your dog will only be with dogs from his own family.


In between romps, your dog is free to move between his inside quarters and his personal patio where he can enjoy a nap in the sun or the pastoral view.

Bedding: You encouraged to bring your dog's own bedding, his toys and whatever else makes him feel comfortable. 

Food: You will need to bring a sufficient amount of dog food in a plastic container clearly marked with your dog's name and feeding instructions. We just don't want their stay to be ruined by an upset tummy.

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